Educational projects (Selection)
Light Leaks Festival 2023
Forty students from five different classes of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM) took part in this year’s edition of the Light Leaks Festival. In October 2022, the students were notified of the theme, and they then selected a photograph in conjunction with their teacher. A jury that was composed of four LAM teachers and five members of the Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective awarded points for each photograph. The ten best images were printed and are shown on the wall, the other thirty pictures can be seen on the television.
2022/2023 Mirroir de nos Réflections
Coordination of the project”Mirror of our reflections”.
As part of the exhibition Face-à-Face.
Moderne Galerie/Mudam Luxembourg:
Two collections in dialogue, ten classes
from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers worked
in close collaboration with Mudam’s
Publics Department. Taking the work
Pietà du Kosovo by Pascal Convert as a
visual, thematic and conceptual starting
point, the students from different sections
developed their own artistic creations –
individually or in groups – during the first
semester of the 2022/2023 school year.
After a selection of the best results,
the exhibition Miroir de nos réflexions
(Mirror of our reflections) will be shown
in the Mudam Studio.
2021/2022 Box of Life
Coordination of the original cross-art project, initiated by the Théâtres de la Ville and created as part of this season’s cycle ‘mémoires et résilience’, the project, which was imagined by Elisabeth Schilling in collaboration with the Lycée des Arts et Métiers and with the support of the cultural coordination of the Luxembourg City
2020/2021 Exhibition “Think ahead” in celebration of Lycée des Arts et Métiers 125th Anniversary
Concept and realization of the exhibition at the Tramsschapp in Luxembourg.
co-production with Ville de Luxembourg,
Fondation Sommer,Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte.
👉 Video Trailer Think Ahed
2019 Dear friend from far away, here my favourite places. Subjective Atlas of Luxembourg
Workshop with Trisomie21asbl in co-production with Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain, Subjective Editions, Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte
2019 Grimms Awards
Scenography Theatre with 4 classes from Lënster Lycée and 1 class from CDI
Stage Manager Yann Ketter
2017 Art on tires
Exhibition Goodyear Parc de Colmar-Berg with the students of the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2015 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy Kulturhaus Mersch
2014 Titanic
Concept and realization of a exhibition on the theme "Titanic" with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée.
Exhibition at the Kulturhaus Mersch
2014 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy with the Kulturhaus Mersch
2013 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy with the Kulturhaus Mersch
2012 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Luisa Bevilaqua and Max Fischbach. 36 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging
2011 Blancontact II
Scenography of Annick Pütz and Yuko Kominami's dance performance at the Kulturhaus Mersch
2011 Loopino
Concept and realization of 12 concerts of the Loopino cycle with Luisa Bevilaqua and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie. Responsible for the sets, the staging
2010-2011 "Malkonzerte"
Concept and realization of the project for the EME Foundation
Series of 21 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg, for 480 students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2010 "Octopussy"
Participation in the realization of the co-production with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2009 "Wassa-Wasser"
Concept and realization of the project initiated by the EME Foundation with Kannerhaus Junglinster, Kannerland Limpertsberg, Service de l'Education Différenciée. Concert at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2009 Die Glücksfee
scenography of Elisabeth Naske's musical tale, directed by Sita Lieben,
dance Annick Pütz. Philharmonie in Luxembourg.
2009 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop.
36 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2009 Concept and realization of the creative project initiated by the EME Foundation
with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
Concept and production of the stage for 4 concerts of the production "Loopino" at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg.
2008 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop. 36 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg. 4 "Veedelkonzerte" at the Köln Philharmonie
2008 Urban Labo
Concept and realization of the architecture workshop for children
Co-production: Fondation de l'Architecture et de l'Ingénierie and Traffo, Carré Rotondes
2007 Erzähl mir was vom Tod / Dei lescht Rees
Concept and realization of an installation at the cemetery in Merl (Luxembourg) as part of the exhibition "Erzähl mir was vom Tod / Dei lescht Rees"
co-production with Centre d' Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and
the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2007 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop. 36 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg , 4 "Veedelkonzerte" at the Köln Philharmonie
2007 Retour de Babel
As part of the 2007 cultural year in collaboration with CLAE asbl.
Concept and realization of an installation at the entrance of the exhibition "Retour de Babel" Aciérie de Dudelange with the children of the Foyer Diddelfamill of Interactions Asbl.
Concept and realization of an exhibition of collages at the Grund “Tunnel” Luxembourg
co-production with Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and
the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2006 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging
and the craft workshops. 24 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg , 4 "Veedelkonzerte" of the Philharmonie Köln
2006 Kannerklinik
Concept and realization of a workshop to create the Signposting of the hospital wards for the "Kannerklinik" CHL, with children from 7 to 12 years old
2006 Mona Lisa
Concept and realization of a painting exhibition on the theme "Mona Lisa".
Exhibition at the Grund Tunnel in Luxembourg. co-production with Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2005 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshops.
24 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2004 Ready to shoot
Concept and realization of a video project with students from the lycée technique des Arts et Métiers LTAM, as part of the exhibition GERRY SCHUM "Ready to shoot" at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2004 L’oiseau de feu
Concept and realization of the Workshop within the framework of LOGIN MUSIC of the OPL in collaboration with the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
Production of a film with a “classe d’acceuil” from Luxembourg City. The film was screened during 2 OPL concerts at the Conservatoire de musique in Luxembourg ︎Link video
2004 "Gewalt? Nein Danke"
Project with two classes from the Bonnevoie primary school, as part of the "for tolerance, against violence" project under the patronage of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and UNESCO.
Exhibition at the Cercle Municipal de Luxembourg and Salle Victor Hugo
2003 Identity
Concept and realization of a quarterly multimedia project, with students from the CNFPC Ettelbrück , LCD Diekirch and the Lycée Technique des Arts et Métiers de Luxembourg.
Workshop as part of SYLVIE BLOCHER's exhibition "Living Pictures" at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2002 Magic
Concept and realization of the “Magic” project with the children of the "La Passerelle" Therapeutic Centre, the "FoyerTikkun" from the “ Fondation Kannerschlass” and with the Service de l'Education Différenciée. Exhibition at CAPE Ettelbrück and KUFA Esch-Alzette
2002 TV Total
Concept and realization of a weekly television magazine and an audio CD, in which children present their own TV programme.
Project as part of the "Power" Exhibition at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2002 Collective exhibition at the
Ministère de l'Education Nationale,
with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2001 Est-ce bien une toile de Picasso?
Concept and realization of a painting exhibition on the theme "Picasso" with the students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée. Exhibition at CAPE Ettelbrück
2000 Incubisuccubi
Concept and realization of several Workshops with young people and adults from the Foyer "Day Center" Bonnevoie, Ligue HMC. As part of the INCUBISUCCUBI exhibition at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
2000 La ville et ses habitants
Concept and realization of the Photo + Exhibition Workshop with young people and adults with mental disabilities. As part of the exhibition "La ville et ses habitants" at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
1999 Maxime Kantor
Concept and realization of several Workshops at Villa Vauban. As part of the MAXIME KANTOR exhibition at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
1999 Group exhibition Diekirch Municipal Gallery
with the students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée, Cooperations Wiltz, Centre Espoir Strassen
1997 Recycling Art
Concept and realization of a workshop for the creation of sets and the staging of a play, as part of the LIFE PROJECT at KUFA Esch-Alzette
1997 Mon Voisin
Coordination of the Mon Voisin project (concerts, theatre, literature, visual arts) of CLAE services asbl. Ministère de la part of the year against racism
1996 24/24 hours
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop/Documentation with young people from the Amigo Youth Centre.
in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Co-production with the Ministère de la Jeunesse and the Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg, Asti asbl.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old:
20 teenagers documented 24 hours of their daily lives with 2 colour films to 36 photos. The photos were exhibited at the opening of the "Den Atelier" concert hall in Hollerich
1996 100 Pas à travers la ville
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop + Exhibition at the Maison des Jeunes (Place des Bains),
in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old: research of subjects, development and printing of black and white photos, organization and implementation of the exhibition,
1996 Exhibition Gallery Gallery Dansart Ettelbrück
with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
Concept and realization of several Workshops with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
1995 Graffiti rue de Strasbourg
Concept and realization of the Graffiti project with teenagers
(50x3m wall of the Education Building of the City of Luxembourg Station)
Co-production with the Police, Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg,
Service de l'Enseignement de la ville de Luxembourg
1994 Spontanart
Concept and realization of the Painting +Exhibition Workshop at the Maison des Jeunes Place des Bains. Service Jeunesse de la Ville de Luxembourg
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old
practical experiences with different painting techniques (gouache, acrylic, oil chalk, charcoal...), but also assemblies, installations, photos etc..,
and the Organisation and implementation of the exhibition
1993 Les jeunes de la ville
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop +Exhibition at the Maison des Jeunes Place des Bains, in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Asti asbl. and Service Jeunesse de la Ville de Luxembourg.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old:
Research of subjects, development and printing of black and white photos, organization and implementation of the exhibition,
Concept and production of several Workshops with adults and teenagers with disabilities at Foyer Bamerdall Diekirch
Partners Exhibitions, educational projects and stage design (Selection )
Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain, Philharmonie de Luxembourg, Philharmonie Köln, Musée d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg, Villa Vauban, Ministère de la jeunesse, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Fonds Culturel National FOCUNA, Carre Rotondes, Service de l'Education Différenciée, LUCA Architecture Foundation, KUFA Esch-Alzette, Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg, CLAE asbl, ASTI asbl, Fondation Kannerschlass, Interactions asbl, CAPEL, Centre National de Formation Professionnelle Continue CNFPC, Fondation Kraizbierg, Ligue HMC, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg OPL, Fondation EME, Mierscher Kulturhaus, CAPE, Trisomie21 asbl, Lycée classique Diekirch LCD, Lënster Lycée,CEPA Summerakademie, Centre hospitalier du Luxembourg CHL, Lycée des arts et métiers LTAM, CDMH Centre de Documentation des Migrations Humaines , C2DH, Cercle Cité Ville de Luxembourg, MUDAM, Isola Art Center Milano,
Archives Nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux),
Light Leaks Festival 2023
Forty students from five different classes of the Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM) took part in this year’s edition of the Light Leaks Festival. In October 2022, the students were notified of the theme, and they then selected a photograph in conjunction with their teacher. A jury that was composed of four LAM teachers and five members of the Luxembourg Streetphoto Collective awarded points for each photograph. The ten best images were printed and are shown on the wall, the other thirty pictures can be seen on the television.
2022/2023 Mirroir de nos Réflections
Coordination of the project”Mirror of our reflections”.
As part of the exhibition Face-à-Face.
Moderne Galerie/Mudam Luxembourg:
Two collections in dialogue, ten classes
from the Lycée des Arts et Métiers worked
in close collaboration with Mudam’s
Publics Department. Taking the work
Pietà du Kosovo by Pascal Convert as a
visual, thematic and conceptual starting
point, the students from different sections
developed their own artistic creations –
individually or in groups – during the first
semester of the 2022/2023 school year.
After a selection of the best results,
the exhibition Miroir de nos réflexions
(Mirror of our reflections) will be shown
in the Mudam Studio.
2021/2022 Box of Life
Coordination of the original cross-art project, initiated by the Théâtres de la Ville and created as part of this season’s cycle ‘mémoires et résilience’, the project, which was imagined by Elisabeth Schilling in collaboration with the Lycée des Arts et Métiers and with the support of the cultural coordination of the Luxembourg City
2020/2021 Exhibition “Think ahead” in celebration of Lycée des Arts et Métiers 125th Anniversary
Concept and realization of the exhibition at the Tramsschapp in Luxembourg.
co-production with Ville de Luxembourg,
Fondation Sommer,Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte.
👉 Video Trailer Think Ahed
2019 Dear friend from far away, here my favourite places. Subjective Atlas of Luxembourg
Workshop with Trisomie21asbl in co-production with Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain, Subjective Editions, Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande Duchesse Charlotte
2019 Grimms Awards
Scenography Theatre with 4 classes from Lënster Lycée and 1 class from CDI
Stage Manager Yann Ketter
2017 Art on tires
Exhibition Goodyear Parc de Colmar-Berg with the students of the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2015 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy Kulturhaus Mersch
2014 Titanic
Concept and realization of a exhibition on the theme "Titanic" with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée.
Exhibition at the Kulturhaus Mersch
2014 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy with the Kulturhaus Mersch
2013 Summerakademie CEPA Mersch
Head of Coordination of the Summer Academy with the Kulturhaus Mersch
2012 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Luisa Bevilaqua and Max Fischbach. 36 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging
2011 Blancontact II
Scenography of Annick Pütz and Yuko Kominami's dance performance at the Kulturhaus Mersch
2011 Loopino
Concept and realization of 12 concerts of the Loopino cycle with Luisa Bevilaqua and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie. Responsible for the sets, the staging
2010-2011 "Malkonzerte"
Concept and realization of the project for the EME Foundation
Series of 21 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg, for 480 students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2010 "Octopussy"
Participation in the realization of the co-production with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2009 "Wassa-Wasser"
Concept and realization of the project initiated by the EME Foundation with Kannerhaus Junglinster, Kannerland Limpertsberg, Service de l'Education Différenciée. Concert at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2009 Die Glücksfee
scenography of Elisabeth Naske's musical tale, directed by Sita Lieben,
dance Annick Pütz. Philharmonie in Luxembourg.
2009 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop.
36 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2009 Concept and realization of the creative project initiated by the EME Foundation
with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
Concept and production of the stage for 4 concerts of the production "Loopino" at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg.
2008 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop. 36 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg. 4 "Veedelkonzerte" at the Köln Philharmonie
2008 Urban Labo
Concept and realization of the architecture workshop for children
Co-production: Fondation de l'Architecture et de l'Ingénierie and Traffo, Carré Rotondes
2007 Erzähl mir was vom Tod / Dei lescht Rees
Concept and realization of an installation at the cemetery in Merl (Luxembourg) as part of the exhibition "Erzähl mir was vom Tod / Dei lescht Rees"
co-production with Centre d' Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and
the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2007 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshop. 36 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg , 4 "Veedelkonzerte" at the Köln Philharmonie
2007 Retour de Babel
As part of the 2007 cultural year in collaboration with CLAE asbl.
Concept and realization of an installation at the entrance of the exhibition "Retour de Babel" Aciérie de Dudelange with the children of the Foyer Diddelfamill of Interactions Asbl.
Concept and realization of an exhibition of collages at the Grund “Tunnel” Luxembourg
co-production with Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and
the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2006 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg. Responsible for the sets, the staging
and the craft workshops. 24 concerts Philharmonie de Luxembourg , 4 "Veedelkonzerte" of the Philharmonie Köln
2006 Kannerklinik
Concept and realization of a workshop to create the Signposting of the hospital wards for the "Kannerklinik" CHL, with children from 7 to 12 years old
2006 Mona Lisa
Concept and realization of a painting exhibition on the theme "Mona Lisa".
Exhibition at the Grund Tunnel in Luxembourg. co-production with Centre d'Animation Pédagogique et de Loisirs, CAPEL and the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2005 Loopino
Concept and realization of the Loopino cycle with Annick Pütz and Max Fischbach at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
Responsible for the sets, the staging and the craft workshops.
24 concerts at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg
2004 Ready to shoot
Concept and realization of a video project with students from the lycée technique des Arts et Métiers LTAM, as part of the exhibition GERRY SCHUM "Ready to shoot" at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2004 L’oiseau de feu
Concept and realization of the Workshop within the framework of LOGIN MUSIC of the OPL in collaboration with the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
Production of a film with a “classe d’acceuil” from Luxembourg City. The film was screened during 2 OPL concerts at the Conservatoire de musique in Luxembourg ︎Link video
2004 "Gewalt? Nein Danke"
Project with two classes from the Bonnevoie primary school, as part of the "for tolerance, against violence" project under the patronage of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and UNESCO.
Exhibition at the Cercle Municipal de Luxembourg and Salle Victor Hugo
2003 Identity
Concept and realization of a quarterly multimedia project, with students from the CNFPC Ettelbrück , LCD Diekirch and the Lycée Technique des Arts et Métiers de Luxembourg.
Workshop as part of SYLVIE BLOCHER's exhibition "Living Pictures" at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2002 Magic
Concept and realization of the “Magic” project with the children of the "La Passerelle" Therapeutic Centre, the "FoyerTikkun" from the “ Fondation Kannerschlass” and with the Service de l'Education Différenciée. Exhibition at CAPE Ettelbrück and KUFA Esch-Alzette
2002 TV Total
Concept and realization of a weekly television magazine and an audio CD, in which children present their own TV programme.
Project as part of the "Power" Exhibition at the Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain
2002 Collective exhibition at the
Ministère de l'Education Nationale,
with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
2001 Est-ce bien une toile de Picasso?
Concept and realization of a painting exhibition on the theme "Picasso" with the students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée. Exhibition at CAPE Ettelbrück
2000 Incubisuccubi
Concept and realization of several Workshops with young people and adults from the Foyer "Day Center" Bonnevoie, Ligue HMC. As part of the INCUBISUCCUBI exhibition at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
2000 La ville et ses habitants
Concept and realization of the Photo + Exhibition Workshop with young people and adults with mental disabilities. As part of the exhibition "La ville et ses habitants" at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
1999 Maxime Kantor
Concept and realization of several Workshops at Villa Vauban. As part of the MAXIME KANTOR exhibition at the Musée d'Histoire de la ville de Luxembourg
1999 Group exhibition Diekirch Municipal Gallery
with the students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée, Cooperations Wiltz, Centre Espoir Strassen
1997 Recycling Art
Concept and realization of a workshop for the creation of sets and the staging of a play, as part of the LIFE PROJECT at KUFA Esch-Alzette
1997 Mon Voisin
Coordination of the Mon Voisin project (concerts, theatre, literature, visual arts) of CLAE services asbl. Ministère de la part of the year against racism
1996 24/24 hours
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop/Documentation with young people from the Amigo Youth Centre.
in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Co-production with the Ministère de la Jeunesse and the Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg, Asti asbl.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old:
20 teenagers documented 24 hours of their daily lives with 2 colour films to 36 photos. The photos were exhibited at the opening of the "Den Atelier" concert hall in Hollerich
1996 100 Pas à travers la ville
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop + Exhibition at the Maison des Jeunes (Place des Bains),
in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old: research of subjects, development and printing of black and white photos, organization and implementation of the exhibition,
1996 Exhibition Gallery Gallery Dansart Ettelbrück
with students from the Service de l'Education Différenciée
Concept and realization of several Workshops with the Service de l'Education Différenciée
1995 Graffiti rue de Strasbourg
Concept and realization of the Graffiti project with teenagers
(50x3m wall of the Education Building of the City of Luxembourg Station)
Co-production with the Police, Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg,
Service de l'Enseignement de la ville de Luxembourg
1994 Spontanart
Concept and realization of the Painting +Exhibition Workshop at the Maison des Jeunes Place des Bains. Service Jeunesse de la Ville de Luxembourg
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old
practical experiences with different painting techniques (gouache, acrylic, oil chalk, charcoal...), but also assemblies, installations, photos etc..,
and the Organisation and implementation of the exhibition
1993 Les jeunes de la ville
Concept and realization of the Photo Workshop +Exhibition at the Maison des Jeunes Place des Bains, in collaboration with Joseph Tomassini.
Asti asbl. and Service Jeunesse de la Ville de Luxembourg.
The aims of the Workshop for young people between 13-20 years old:
Research of subjects, development and printing of black and white photos, organization and implementation of the exhibition,
Concept and production of several Workshops with adults and teenagers with disabilities at Foyer Bamerdall Diekirch
Partners Exhibitions, educational projects and stage design (Selection )
Casino Forum d'Art Contemporain, Philharmonie de Luxembourg, Philharmonie Köln, Musée d'Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg, Villa Vauban, Ministère de la jeunesse, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Fonds Culturel National FOCUNA, Carre Rotondes, Service de l'Education Différenciée, LUCA Architecture Foundation, KUFA Esch-Alzette, Service Jeunesse de la ville de Luxembourg, CLAE asbl, ASTI asbl, Fondation Kannerschlass, Interactions asbl, CAPEL, Centre National de Formation Professionnelle Continue CNFPC, Fondation Kraizbierg, Ligue HMC, Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg OPL, Fondation EME, Mierscher Kulturhaus, CAPE, Trisomie21 asbl, Lycée classique Diekirch LCD, Lënster Lycée,CEPA Summerakademie, Centre hospitalier du Luxembourg CHL, Lycée des arts et métiers LTAM, CDMH Centre de Documentation des Migrations Humaines , C2DH, Cercle Cité Ville de Luxembourg, MUDAM, Isola Art Center Milano,
Archives Nationales de Luxembourg (ANLux),

2020/21 👉 Video Trailer Think Ahed

Subjective Atlas of Luxembourg 2019

Summerakademie CEPA 2015

Blancontact II 2011

Loopino 2005-2012
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© Edmond Oliveira